At Imaginate Ink
We create instead of consume
We believe excellence is crafted, not born
We imagine a better world and then make products that make it real
We learn to write things that change other people's lives, including our own
Come learn with us
Since 1998, Clarissa has been teaching her students to imagine the impossible and bloom it into existence. By changing their mindsets and daily habits, Clarissa's students have transformed from ordinary into extraordinary. Eight of Clarissa’s students have spoken at TED about the ways they have transformed themselves and the world despite being shy. They also found multinational companies and charities; have been nominated for Forbes 30 under 30 for healthcare; become architects and surgeons; obtained invitations to Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel’s summit for young entrepreneurs; design virtual reality for Facebook, new products for Uber, and self-driving cars for GM; and generally learn to change the world with their creativity and innovations. Clarissa believes genius is created, not born. Her method is built upon choosing tiny daily habits of excellence that over time add up to helping people learn to speak, write, and act with a power and empathy that changes the world.